Hiroshi Inanaga

The shortest cut
Akiyama Gallery, 1998

It is like a big box or room in the gallery. There are many small buildings and houses on the big panels.
When people go down the spiral staircase into the box, they can find that it is a big city. And you can walk on the floor, though it's really hard.
 A red line is the shortest cut that's culculated from the developement of the box.. The points of departure and arrival were chosen optionally. On the way of the line, you would see there's small sized coalmine town I brought up actually. But almost town except for coalmine-town are modernized, like the city which had forgotten premodernness at all. This is another meaning of "shortcut".

*Big box size/ 3.6x 5.4x h2.7 m material/ Rafter reinforced plywood panel, white paint
*Small buildings and houses material/ wood, plastic, polystyrene, white paint
*Red line material/ vinyl tape

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